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Cristopher Cichocki Elemental Shift
catalog: Content 001
artist: Cristopher Cichocki
title: Elemental Shift
format: DVD-r / NTSC / Region Free
running time: 01:01:01
physical attributes: Packaged in a circular metal tin with crushed fish bones from
the Salton Sea adhered to the inside lid. Size: 5"x5"x1"
1) Lanimilbus Radiation
2) Transmission
3) Soft Infrastructure
4) Waste Basket
5) One Mile Radius
6) Storm Drain
7) Salton Tide
8) Propeller
9) Micro Wavelength
10) Elemental Shift
Bonus: Cycle in Cycle
Cichocki’s work captures a sublime oneness with nature, but can hardly be called still and meditative. Sharing an affinity with noise artists, Elemental Shift is meticulously edited together, creating an incredibly intense visceral experience which, at points, should probably require a legal disclaimer for epileptics.

[Elemental Shift]... cuts to the core of what noise and experimental cinema are all about. 8/10 Rating
- Foxy Digitalis
"Elemental Shift...may very well be the best noise release of the year."
- Startling Moniker
"[Elemental Shift is] an absolute must for fans of video-art or anything in the Noise genre."
- Heathen Harvest
"[Elemental Shift] presents a collection which is consistently engaging and imaginative. Very recommended."
- Animal PSI
"I can't recommend this release enough. Simply stunning and one of my favorite noise discs of the year."
-Lars Gotrich, NPR's Online Music Producer
"Elemental Shift is a must-have"
- Massimo Ricci, TemporaryFault